My Less Lofty Thoughts Are Here

Thursday, October 4, 2012

In the Beginning

Husband and I were guests at a new church during our recent camping trip and we sat in front of a pew-full of little old ladies. They were chatting with such volume and vigor that one of them didn't realize the pastor had started the service.

"I JUST NEVER FEEL GOOD ANY MORE," this white-haired dear told her companion during the opening prayer. "NEVER. HOW ABOUT YOU?"

The other lady had heard the preacher's call to worship and replied in what obviously was meant to be a conversation-stopping whisper.

"Oh, I try to not pay attention to how I feel," she said quietly, but this hint was too subtle.

"REALLY? I NEVER FEEL GOOD," the first lady hollered.

"Dear, everyone can hear you talking," the second finally said.

There was silence for a long pause then Lady One replied.


For a couple of years now I've blogged about my new life stage as an empty nester. Every once in a while, though, I want to dig a little deeper into faith thoughts than is appropriate on a blog that spends as many words on pantyhose as that other blog does. This, then, is the corner of the internet I'm setting aside for another apsect of my life--my thoughts on faith, on living a life that not only includes God but attempts to put God squarely in the forefront.

I am not theologically savvy or an expert on these matters, but every once in a while I catch glimpses of the train of His robe.

I'm here in the temple, and this is what I see.

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